Joel & Jill Reitman

To give back to community is a value passed on in our family through generations. My grandparents, Sam and Ruth Reitman, set a strong example in our family. With a successful business in Canada they never forgot their roots and always gave generously of their time and money.

Blessed with many opportunities, they taught their family that with privilege comes responsibility.
Yet tzedakah was never seen just as an obligation but also as an honour.

Raised in Montreal, both Jill and I remember the examples our own parents set in our respective homes. My parents were actively involved in community as were Jill's. I particularly remember attending many community philanthropic events with my parents when I was a youngster, and the experiences and lessons were imprinted in my memory.

As an only child, it is incumbent upon me to ensure these traditions live on. As such, when Jill and I married and made Toronto our home, we were committed to raising our family with the Jewish and community values we both had experienced growing up. Our sons Sam and Richard participate in tzedakahin many ways.

The needs of the Jewish community — near and far — will evolve but there will always be need. We count on UJA Federation to help us determine how best to respond to these needs.

We are proud to be Jewish and part of this community. Through the Sam and Ruth Reitman Foundation, my grandparents' legacy will live on. This tribute must also be shared with our respective parents, who taught us well: Cyril and Dorothy Reitman and Leonard and Janet Goldberg. Our hope is that ou rown children and their children will continue to do their part to keep the Jewish world strong.

L'dor vador, from generation to generation. Hinenu:We are here.

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